Winter at Harbour Heights?

No, this is not snow and ice – we have not been hit by a rogue storm. Our grounds continue to be lush and green.

Sheryl Lazenby, a photographer friend of ours, was visiting on holiday last year. She brought along her 720nm infrared-converted camera and lens to take photos while on the island. We did not expect to see such a departure from what we normally see when we walk the grounds – it looks like we are experiencing full-on winter here!

Infrared photographs of the HH property - copyright, Sheryl Lazenby

As she explains: infrared captures a spectrum of light we cannot see. The 720nm spectrum of light lies just beyond the “visible spectrum”. Colors, plants, people, and man-made objects reflect infrared light in very different ways – in ways that cannot be replicated in photoshop or captured by a regular camera unless using IR filters – or a camera that has been permanently converted to shoot infrared. Grass and leaves turn white and seas and skies look more dramatic. 

Thank you Sheryl for sharing your photos with us.

What do you think?


Harbour Heights
1453 West Bay Road
Seven Mile Beach
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
410-720-9399 (US)
345-945-4295 (Cayman)